Saturday, December 30

Local and International Politics

Finance Minister Loyola Sullivan resigned yesterday. Wow, many people didn't see that one coming. I wonder how "Danny Boy" Williams and his team will cope now. With an election less than a year, it will be a year of yada yada yada. Waitaminute. Isn't politics like that all the time? ha

Saddam is dead. I am surprised "they" did it so quickly. Live by the sword, die by the sword, many would say. Still, it isn't going to stop the bloodshed that is happening every day. I see no end to this war.


Friday, December 29

Back in town & Pics of Casey

It was a hectic week, with travels to both sets of parents and managing the puppy. The only stress for me was the packing/unpacking of the car countless times. Wifey took it easy on that front.

Everyone seemed happy with our gifts, and more importantly, the food was good. I put on 5lbs, easy. So far my favourite present would have to be the 'U2byU2' book given to me by my sister and cousin. But I am sure the remote starter given to me by my lovely wife will definitely top the list one morning! ha

Corinne is back working. Nights. Yuck. So I am on dog duty. There has been progress - I toss her out the back door and she does her business and runs back in. A treat for her and a whiskey and 7 for me!

With my free time, I have begun to clean out the crawl space downstairs. The gem I found so far is Halloween chips - expired Nov 2003. I have told my wife any trinkets I find is in the garbage or donated. She doesn't care, because she ain't doing it! haha

Things to do...!

Friday, December 22

We Have Arrived

Well, I wanted to leave at a decent hour, but wify had some shopping to do. In her defence, she had to buy an outfit for MY mother, as the shirt I bought her would apparently only fit a smurf, even though the tag said 'XL.' (sorry mom, ya ain't that big)

We made it 10 minutes before doggy puked. My turn to clean. Lovely. The dog likes Baytona, except for Milo, my sister's black panther. Oops, I mean cat. The cat is a nut job (ain't all cats?) so they have been taking turns having 'time outs' in the kennel or barred in the washer/dryer room.

Me, I am recovering from stuffing my gut and drinking beer. Here for 2 days, then to Red Cliff.

Wednesday, December 20

Holy Sh*t!

I checked online this evening to see if my grad marks were in. An 85 and 88! Jesus, I'm smart!

About to start my second Guinness in celebration.............and recovery. Today, I shopped. I think next year I am donating $$ to charity in other peoples' names.

Not to be a good person, but to escape the mall.

ho ho ho



In my last posting I mentioned I dreaded subbing Basic English at a local jr/sr high school. My fears were well founded.

What bothered me the most was the shear vulgarity of the students talking to each other as I TRIED to teach. Words like faggot, fruit, shit, f*ck came out of their mouths just as easy as the words. I asked them repeatedly to stop talking 'potty mouth' and they just laughed and said it was their everyday speech. I told them outside of school, that's fine, but in the class, it is a no-no.

They ignored me.

The next day I subbed a grade 4 class. It was a welcome relief. My greatest stress of the day was making sure a kid didn't eat their snot after picking their nose. I shoulda been an elementaty teacher. The kids fear because I'm tall. In jr/sr high, I'm a runt.



Thursday, December 14


Playing ball and ice hockey on back to back nights is taking a toll on this 33 year old. But at the same time, I feel good. Considering my limitations (speed, strength, reflexes) I am just happy to be playing. Unfortunately, after I play I am wired and have a hard time getting to sleep.

Beer helps. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Burp.

House is very quiet, with wife and doggy around the bay. I may head out Friday for the weekend, depending on if I get a call to work. Tomorrow I am subbing at a jr/sr high school as a basic English teacher. Should be interesting!


Monday, December 11

B&E and Work

Been 4 break-ins in one local high school the past few weeks. News reports that they have an idea who the assholes are, just need to catch them. Of course, since they are minors, they will get a slap on the wrist. It must be so disheartening to the kids and staff to see their school wrecked like that.....

Work has been slow. Subbed two half days in a row. Today I was at an elementary school and I WAS THE ONLY MAN ON STAFF. When I walked into the staffroom the ladies actually said, "Oh, a man!" I'm cute, but not that cute. ha Personally, there needs to be more men in primary and elementary grades to be good role models. Hopefully I will pick up a few days in that school and be the rooster in the henhouse.


Friday, December 8

Doggy Life

Well, the mutt is cute. My wife is very happy to have the dog around, seeking attention. I don't mind - until the "accidents" start to happen. Since work is slow (no subbing) and the semester is over, I have been spending more time with the dog.

Note to self: don't let the dog sleep all day, because when you go to bed, she whines and you have to take her out of her kennel and play with her for 20 minutes in your underwear until she calms down.

Wife is taking Casey with her when she visits the inlaws next week. I will miss the affection, but not the smells and stains.
