Wednesday, October 31

First Snow

Woke up early this morning. Ok, the DOG woke me up early this morning, needing a trip outside to do her business.

Seeing the snow on the ground and the blue jays hopping about was nice. Seeing my dog run like da-beejesus, scaring the birds was funny...until she wouldn't come back in and I had brib her with treats. She is developing an attitude!

School was a bit loud and crazy today. No teaching, just managing madness. Work shop tomorrow!

Back to school work!

Sunday, October 28


For my few blog followers, I'm sorry that I have not been 'blogging.'

Teaching going ok, kids are fine. Lots of correcting to do, for report cards are fast approaching.

Masters is hectic. Going ok, so far.

Started ice hockey again. Broke expensive hockey stick! But yesterday wife and I were out twacking (looking at stuff and not buying it) and I decided to get a new stick. I got a pretty blue one. haha

Got a daily subscription to Globe and Mail. Me happy. So on Fridays I get the Globe, Telegram AND the Independent. Lots of reading!! Apparently the dog and my lovely wife feels ignored on Friday evenings. hehe

Wednesday, October 10

Waking up Free

How do you think Gerry Reid really feels this morning? I bet he is a relieved man, thinking, "I'm out! I'm finally out!"

The man gave it the good ol' college try, but the little slingshot this modern day David had (rural voters) was useless against the latest Goliath - Teflon Dan da man.

With three sitting members, the Liberals have a long three years ahead of them. At least they won't be fighting each other for minutes during Question Period. The list of questions they will receive from unions and groups alone will be long enough!!

So now the local vultures are circling. Mr. Efford is already on the local radio, informing us that he is willing to "'elp da par-day" get back on its feet. Mmmm, I don't think the grassroots will help you this time John.

What about Mr. Dicks? Was paying back the art/booze/underwear/whatever a sincere gesture? Or was it his first step in attaining the Liberal leadership?

As for the NDPers out there, keep dreaming.

Monday, October 8

Back in Town & Thoughts

I enjoy long weekends. If my wife is off then it means a trip around the bay to the clear smell of the ocean and home cookin'!

So I am full of turkey...........and gas. Wife is already complaining. I don't see the point. It is an act of nature. ;)

Tomorrow is D-day for the Liberals in Newfoundland. King (or does Emperor sound better?) Danny, not his candidates, will probably get 44 seats. And I doubt Gerry and Lorraine will keep their seats.

Long live the king? And I'm not talking about Elvis.