Sunday, January 28

My Own Meg

I love the show 'The Family Guy.' Very funny (and crude) show. My lovely wife transformed herself briefly over the xams holidays to become the character Meg. Hilarious pic!

She's gonna kill me once she realizes I posted this!

Watching Sports

When I first met my misses, I told her that I loved playing sports, but I hardly ever watched it on TV.


It seems as I age, I have gone from watching highlights to full games - of many sports. I now watch the NFL and baseball (I blame that on Churchill influences), hockey (of course), basketball and even a bit of soccer.

Yes, soccer.

Now it is the almost nightly "A game is on" or "I want to check the highlights" with my wife. Thank gawd she has a LITTLE bit of interest in sports to tolerate me. That, or I go downstairs to MY part of the house to watch the telly. Or she falls asleep on the sofa and I then take the remote.


Either way, it is a balancing act between Sports and all those CSI/Bones/yada yada yada shows. Marriage, it is about compromise.

Back to watching last night's highlights. The Habs are starting to suck, and losing to the Leafs is terrible!

The Lady With The Fur Coat

Yesterday I was out, running some errands, visiting kid sister. As I was driving home, I noticed a lady clearing her driveway with a scoop. No big deal. What WAS different was the fact she was wearing a white and brown FUR COAT.

Jesus, doesn't she have a Columbia jacket or something? Was she making a statement: I got money but still shovel.......when the servants have the day off?

Anyway, the day I can afford to buy a fur coat is the day I stop shoveling out driveways.

Sunday, January 21


Yesterday was mild, rainning, and I was out in a shirt, scraping the drvieway clean of ice.

Today it is what Newfoundlander's call "dirty." Wet, windy, and the snow falling more horizontally than vertically. Drifts aplenty.

I just got back in from clearing the driveway. Drenched. Since Corinne is working tomorrow morning, leaving at 7am, it will be a very early rise for me!

Global warming is for the birds. The ones that are left, anyway. ;)

Readings to get back to before the Pats and Colts come on the tube tonight!


Dropping Like Flies

Well well well, more NL politicians gave it up this past week. I guess Danny is going around, telling his troops "If you're not running next October, get out." Or something like this: "You're a f*ck up. Get out before you become a bigger pain in the ass."

Either way, it is going to an interesting year in 'da rock' politics. If Darren Langdon actually gets elected as the PC rep on the west coast, I forsee a new Minister of Sports/Recreation............if there was one. ha


Friday, January 19

The dog

It is official. I rank third in the power scheme in this house. The dog no longer sleeps in her kenel, she sleeps on the bed with us. To cuddle with my wife, I now have to overcome our dog.

Or I turn over and fall back to sleep.

The only benefit is that Casey sleeps longer, which means no more 5:30am whines for a pee break.

Then there is the shedding. Sweet Jesus. I think I have probably swallowed a few hairs while eating. All this, and I STILL like the little critter. Oops, she is scratching the door, must take her for a walk.


Monday, January 8


After 2 weeks of being on my ass, eating and drinking, I now find myself back in the "real" world - work. I got a 1.5 week gig subbing Grade 6 and it may turn into something longer. It is the same school where there are NO men on staff. I am already going through withdrawl from a lack of sport chit chat. Now, if I wanted to talk about relationships, I would be in heaven! haha Kidding aside, I am enjoying my time there.

Masters courses started today. Must head to campus tomorrow for one of my courses and buy some books. $$ Looking forward to the challenge.

The dog. She thinks she is the boss. She needs to realize my wife is the one in charge. :) My inlaws are in town and I don't think it is an "accident" that she has pissed in their bedroom. Twice.

And I am still getting use to the early morning whining sessions to go outside and pee. But don't get me wrong, I LIKE the dog. Really, I do!