Tuesday, September 25

Da Election

Is there any point?

Coming home from one of my Masters courses, I listened to Danny and Gerry duke it out, while Lorraine was booing from the sidelines. Managed to turn on the telly to see the last few minutes..........poor Gerry looked flustered while Danny was as cool as a Sprung cucumber.

If the Liberals get 4 seats on Oct 9th I will be shocked. Danny came along at the right time (oil $$) and is running the government like a business. Sure, he is stepping on many toes as he streamlines decisions (what I say goes) but is gaining popularity with each new section of road paved.

Our province will need a strong opposition to keep Danny in check. By that, I mean nipping at his heels with questions as he stomps nay-sayers in his shiny black shoes (with possible lifts?).

I will vote on the 9th. If I don't I do not have the right to complain. Or blog.

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