Monday, July 24

Destroying your house to improve it

Have you ever watched a toddler try to force a square shaped object into a circular hole? The kid keeps banging and banging. And sometimes screams. Eventually the kid learns...

Last night my wife wanted to move the sofa and loveseat downstairs. Leather furniture arriving Wednesday. Very sweet. I knew before we started that the sofa would not make it. It was too frigging long to make the two turns and sets of stairs.

But yet, we tried. Our next door neighbor came over to help. Or save us. THREE FRIGGING HOURS LATER the sofa was in my rec room.

But there was some....damage. The sofa is now looking.......older. And there are many, many holes, scrapes, and dents in walls. But to top off everything, we have to take DOWN my bathroom wall just to the blasted sofa into the rec room.

So today a trip to KENT was needed to buy some gyproc, lumber, nails and door framing. The recovery continues. Anyone know a good plaster guy?

What have I learned? One: my neighbor is an AWESOME guy and I need to buy him a LOT of beer. Two: when we sell this house, the sofa comes with it. Or I will attack it with an axe.

Tuesday, July 11


I have painted the kitchen. More importantly, to my wife's satisfaction. :) Sure, there are a few touch-ups, but it is better than paying some stranger to come into MY home and pay him money to paint!

We are getting new kitchen, bathroom, and porch flooring tomorrow. More $$. But it is needed. The dark spots on the canvas are growing! haha

It feels good to be productive doing housing upkeep. I was late getting on the bandwagon, but hopefully with each passing year, I will learn some new skills.

Time to tear up the old canvas and remove baseboards. Without cracking them. :)

Wednesday, July 5

Trains, Automobiles, and Planes

I am back in Newfoundland. For good.

I left Churchill by train on Saturday, July 1 with my roommate and his folks to Thompson. If anyone ever takes the train to Churchill, paying 44 bucks for a berth on a bunk is a GOOD thing. You get access to a shower and less yahoos running about.

Then it was a 8 HOUR ride in a minivan to Selkirk, just north of Winnipeg. Now, don't get me wrong, the farm county looked "nice," but being on a straight, flat road with the same scenery for 8 HOURS can leave a Newfie a bit numb! haha Lucky for me Jesse's folks were very hospitable and a bit of alcohol was consumed before bedtime. :)

My flights were uneventful except for one thing - the new personal individual touch screens for each passenger. How cool! No more having to sit through a "family movie" for the snot-nosed kids on board! I quickly picked a movie to watch, and the flight flew by quickly (pun intended).

Everything was going great, but with only 8 minutes left to my movie, the captain turned off all monitors to land! Nooooooooo! So what do I do? Will I rent a movie only to watch the last 10 minutes? Sigh. The movie was "V for Vendetta." It was OK.

My last week in Churchill went by quickly. I was low-key on leaving. A few hugs and "see ya laters." We still had our usual Friday night game of cards. The thing I will miss most about Churchill is the friendships I made and our little Friday night social club. As for the kids, I passed them all and wished them a happy life. I also told them to "grow up" to be ready for Grade 7! haha

Back to fixing up the house.