Tuesday, May 23

Long Weekends...

...are too short.

It was a decent weekend. A social gathering Friday night, and a game of cards at a friend's cabin Saturday night.

And both times I fell asleep. I guess I could make excuses, but it seems I am always the first one to nod off, in any situation. I'm sure I make for boring company and puzzled looks! "There he is, passed out on the sofa again."

I was never one for late, late nights with tons of booze. Now that I'm older, and not out dancing the night away, the booze hits me sooner. Playing cards is not the most active "sport!" ha

It is Monday night. I am flying back to Newfoundland Saturday morning. There is SO much to do personally and professionally before I bid adieu to this community in the north and go back to my waiting wife. :)


1 comment:

Blog of Elliott said...

Wish I could join you back on the rock. Good luck with the masters and say hi to Mrs. Combden!