Sunday, July 8

In Halifax

Wood and I made it to Halifax to witness Mike's wedding. The last man standing, so to speak. The shock has not worn off. ha

Small wedding in a la-de-da hotel. $$. Since Friday evening, a LOT of beer has been consumed. Wood just left to fly back to the rock. I am writing this in Timberlea, just outside of Halifax, at my cousin's - the same one that got married LAST weekend.

I have a Keith's in front of me. My head is busting. I have an early flight in the morning.

I was really impressed with Halifax. Downtown core has great architecture. Our adventures included looking for beer for 2 hours Friday night (why can't convenience stores sell it like in NL?) and going to Pier 21, one of the new '7 wonders of Canada.' As a Newfoundlander, we missed that boat (pun intended), but it was great learning about the history of immigration.

Today, after gorging on all-you-can-eat brunch (more $$, so I had 4 plates to Wood's 3. He looked a little green and bloated) we walked up (WAY up...not recommended after stuffing gut on hangover) to Citadel Fort. Excellent place to visit, even if you are not a Social studies teacher. :)

Anyway, it looked like Cape Breton had exploded, for all around people were in kilts, playing bagpipes and drums. Oh, our heads suffered. They were ALL warming up for the big parade, we learned. So we quickly got back to the car to make our escape from downtown to Timberlea. I was shotgun, so we only made a couple of wrong turns.

Pics will come soon.

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