Sunday, September 24


I read an article today about how men need their sheds. I never thought much about sheds and the manliness that comes with it until I moved into our house...

...I now have "shed envy." My shed is small, pinkish, unfinished, and has a crappy in-swinging door that opens up with a small gust of wind.

My neighbor's have "real" sheds. Big, blue, soundly built, with shelving. One has electricity AND a stove. And neither one leaks.

I think I am becoming domesticated. I walked about Canadian Tire today before AND after I worked out at the gym, looking at knick-knacks. Jesus, I think I need to go read some poetry!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boy o boy,

do I know where you're coming from,

I've measured up my "designated" shed area so many times I now have a basement....

a spanking brand new 10 by 10 or 10 by 12 (with ample sleeping quarters) is my Fall gift to us - "no honey, it only has one key"
