Monday, June 18

Red Cliff

I just spent the weekend out with the inlaws, wife, and dog in Red Cliff. She is out there till Thursday, enjoying her well-deserved holidays (from work, and possibly me).

I always enjoy my time in that small community in Bonavista Bay South. It reminds me of my childhood travels to Barr'd Islands on Fogo Island, the scenery is breathtaking, and the pace of life is much more mellow. Take a look.

This past weekend the weather was great, and icebergs were all about. A simple picture can't give it justice. But I'll post some once wife gets film developed. Trinity gets all the attention on Bonavista peninsula, but slowly people are buying and building cottages in this area. This past weekend there were pics of the iceberg in Open Hall in The Telegram. It is where we got hitched. Beautiful church. It is celebrating its 100 year anniversary in 2008. Here is a pic of the inside.

Ah, shameless promotion.

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