Sunday, June 10

Mr. Hearn's survey

Conservative MP Hearn has been getting a lot of heat lately for so-called "supporting the federal government over his own province." Anyone against Danny is now considered 'da enemy' and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

I think Hearn's stance is that it is better to have someone bat for your team (no matter how many times s/he strikes out) than to have no one swinging at all. Touchy indeed.

So I was not surprised when Telelink called me yesterday, asking about my opinion of Mr. Hearn, whether he did the right thing, would I support him, yada yada yada. I basically replied that since I don't know who is going to run against him in the next federal election, it is a moot question. Plus, this latest dust-up may well be forgiven and forgotten by the time 'Steve' calls the next election.

Danny is calling for ABC in the next election, and the latest results show the PCs dancing into another clear provincal majority. Interesting times. I think Mr. Hearn will have to do something more than a survey to save his own skin.

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