Sunday, November 5

I just don't understand

This past week in Newfoundland a man got sentenced several years in jail for stabbing two people. One was a cop. It was expected.

In another sentencing, a man got 6 months for leaving a scene of a crime. You may say no big deal, but the crime scene he left was a dead boy on a road. Apparently he doesn't remember hitting the kid. Oh, plus he had a few drinks but waited until it was out of his system before he turned himself in to the cops. Many people are upset. I can't blame them. If I went out and shot a moose today without a licence, I would probably get more jail time.

Sometimes it seems the accused have more rights than the victims in Canada.

On CNN this morning I found out that Saddam got the death penalty by hanging. ouch. Not a surprise there, considering the nutjob that he is. But he will probably win an appeal, saying if he is put to death, there will be a lot of civil unrest. Politics and the (in)justice system, how tangled they are!


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