Monday, November 13

Singing Legionnaires

This past Thursday I witnessed one of the most moving things in my 33 years - singing Legionnaires. I was subbing at an elementary school all week ($$) and on Thursday we had a short assembly.

The kids sat on the gym floor and in marched a bunch of men in their 60s to 80s. Behind them marched a smaller group carrying the flags. For the next hour the men sang many songs about war & life. Needless to say all the teachers were spellbound and most of the kids as they stood in their uniforms, singing proudly.

(unfortunately some Grade 6's were idiots but I volunteered to give them detention. I enjoyed it).

I think more people are "getting it" with the current war 'over there.' A veteran doesn't have to be someone who fought in WWI or WWII - it can be a current member of the military.

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