Sunday, April 8

Done. And Done.

I have submitted my last paper for the semester. I am done. I told wife I can focus on her for the next month, until this madness starts up all over again.

The Habs lost last night. Sh*t. I am headed around the bay this week, which is Leafsland. I hope the Islanders win today and knock out the Leafs. A few uncles of mine will be disappointed. ha

I guess I will have to cheer for the remaining Canadian teams...........!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes Chris the Hab's aren't in the playoffs, but on the brighter side of things neither are the leafs. Just one quick question about your masters, what do you plan on doing after you are done it? Be a very highly educated sub in NF? Talk to you later, I hope you had a good Easter dinner.(Since I know that is all you like any ofthe holiday's)