Tuesday, September 11

6 Years Later...

Each generation can recall an event in their life and tell where they were and what they were doing. For my father, it was hearing that JFK was killed in 1963. For me, it was learning of the horror of 9/11.

I was subbing at a school just outside of Gander. I just finished my lunch duty and walked into the staff room and a bunch of shocked faces and asked what had happened. When I was told, my first response was, "Gander is going to be nuts."

By, was I ever right. For several days people just walked the streets of Gander or sat in front of TVs, waiting to learn when they were going to get home and see their loved ones.

I did a little bit, buying some grub and taking to a church. I have NEVER seen so much food in my life. But I think the 'plane people' were more shocked than hungry.

6 years later our little province has gained a little fame and tourist fortune from that terrible day. But the cost was too much.

As for the 'hunt on terror' by GWB, I'll leave that for another post.

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