Sunday, September 16

Getting Back Into Her Good Graces

My (lovely) wife worked Friday. When she got home about 8ish, I told her I was going out to play cards.

Strike one.

She didn't want me to go, because she knew the dog was going to fret, waiting for me to come home. But she also knew I wanted to go, so I went.

The cards went well, so I didn't get home till 12:40.

Strike two.

Apparently the dog did not settle down till 12:30, so my wife couldn't sleep. When I slid into bed, wife declared, "no need to be quiet, I'm awake" in a cold tone. Being the sweet guy that I am, I began to caress her back. That was short lived, as my (lovely) wife said (in a firm voice), "Don' I'm crook'ed."

No shit.

To make matters worse, the dog had the shits and I had to get up repeatedly to let her out, or endure more stains on the carpet.

So on Saturday I a)brought wife a fancy coffee and treat from Starbucks; b)bought grub; c)cleaned up the house; and d)bought flowers, arranged them, and displayed them on the table. (I totally ignored the newspaper AND my masters readings)

Safe at home!! I got a smile, a kiss, and maybe even a cooked meal on Monday! ha

Now I just have to suffer through HER choice of movie. We watched 'Hot Fuzz' Thursday night. I enjoyed it. She hated it. Wife said we are going to watch 'Because I Said So' next. How fitting.........!


Unknown said...

That is a whole lot of kissing ass for one night of should just do what she wants you to do all the time just so she will be happy with you.......

the Red Scot said...

Ahh Ted, but that's what SHE'D have us do!


Hahaha, a game I know all too well... It sounds like you played your cards right.

...and they say men have all the power!

Anonymous said...

Remember are only hearing one side of the can always put themselves in the good light when it's a one sided story....