Thursday, February 8

bye bye elections

Today there are three by-elections in NL. I keep wondering how many people will turn out, with almost daily revelations of politicans overspending. Will Danny lose seats, or will the lovefest continue as some are grateful that he is "cleaning up da mess?"

Ah, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive.

We will find out later tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris buddy I can honestly say the three day blizzard we just lived through was more interesting than NF politics. Not that I have anything against NF politics, it is just politics and politicians in general that leave a bad taste in my mouth. In case you were wondering no we didn't get any time off b/c of the blizzard. No such thing as a snow day in Churchill. I guess 110km/hr winds and not being able to see across the street don't count. The wind chill was only around -47, not the required -55 to close the school. Oh well must get back to work stop distracting me.