Tuesday, February 20

Snow & Neighbours

Sh*t. What a storm. Last night the winds were so strong I thought I was back in Churchill. The power went out for 12 hours for some of the houses on our street. And yes, our house was one of them.

Wife had to work. Sigh, I shoveled 6 to 7 am, putting most of the snow in front of my neighbours driveway to make a path for her to escape. Oops! Then I went back to bed until a neighbour with power called and invited me over for a great breakfast: beans, bacon, eggs, toutons and COFFEE! Sweet Jesus, it was good.

Then the shoveling began. Driveway is no done but the side and back of house is crazy - it's higher than the fence and the back door is covered. I will probably need the dog to sniff out and dig out the garbage bins! ha

It was nice to see neighbours help each other, snowblowers and shovels going till this evening. I helped an older couple across the cul-de-sac. Their driveway made mine look like I living in Jamacia! I felt like I was living around the bay, not in a city surrounded by stangers.

Time for a cup of tea and back to school work. 2 papers due early next week. Sigh.

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