Saturday, February 10

Thinking of Churchill

I sometimes miss Churchill, even the weather.

Last week I was "herding" some kids to their bus, just wearing an undershirt and dress shirt while all the other teachers were bundled up. I got a few strange looks. It seems 2 winters in northern Manitoba has toughened me.

Of course every time my wife declared, "It's cold outside." here in Mt. Pearl I replied "It's nice out." It really pissed her off and she finally snapped last week. So now when she makes a comment about the weather, I agree with her. I still think that pisses her off...........! :)

A friend informed me of Churchill's latest 3-day blizzard. I don't miss that, and the slight chance of meeting a polar bear as I stumbled home from a game of cards on a very late Friday night. But I do miss the people, the restaurants, but not the gut I had from the food and beer!

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