Sunday, March 4

When the Team You Cheer For Sucks...!

I was raised to be a Montreal Canadien fan in a Toronto Maple Leaf community. Lucky for me it was the 80's and the Leafs sucked while the Habs did OK.

That was then, this is now.

Only recently did I come back into the fold of being a Habs fan. Before then I just wanted a Canadian team to do well. The Habs started the season off decent enough, because their goalie was great. Now he is hurt, and the wheels are falling off. Even TO seems like it has a better chance to make it to the playoff round. Sigh.....when I tell the kids I sub who I cheer for now, I get a few laughs.

So I have started watching the Raptors. Their style of basketball is entertaining...until you realize they have no toughness for rebounding. But at least they are better than last year! Still, they have lost the last 2 games. Maybe I should stop watching the games and go back to seeing the highlights. :)

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